Tuesday, 13 March 2012

13th March

Lesson 34
We uploaded all out new footage onto Final cut express, and just by looking at all the clips together we could see that the lighten was a lot better brighter as it created a positive mood for when Emily was alive. When looking at out clips we could see that they framing and general filming was of a higher quality, as we were a lot more planned the second time and didn't have two six year olds running round to look after. We replaced all out old shots with the new ones, trying to keep to similar timings and adding the cross dissolve effect to transition them. 

When filming we decided to wait until last to film Callum by himself, and by this point the sun was setting so it fitted the atmosphere we wanted to create well, and gave the effect that tomorrow is a new day where he can be happy about Emily's life rather than sad about her death.

At the moment we have no music, but Callum and Jake are going to record us a song they have written on their guitars for friday, by this point we are hoping to have all our editing done, so we just need to add the song and make it fit with the shots. 
Although we hadn't come up with a name until this point we did this rather quickly when we started to think about it. We have used the Oasis song title 'Don't Look Back In Anger' and changed it to 'Don't look back in Sadness' so that it fits out pitch. I feel this is a reflective title as out title sequence is about a girl dying and her boyfriend learning how to move on and look at their time together as positive. This is the first lesson I feel everything has gone right, we are more experienced at using Final Cut Express so we don't have to keep asking for help. 

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